Hello, my name is faith. I'm your normal kind of weird fourteen year old girl. :D I love books, computers and music. I hate spiders, insects, things that slime/crawl and scary films.
Remember to leave something in my tagboard below to let me know you dropped by!
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I fell asleep studying. ): Totally messed up my schedule. This is so not good. Okay. I'll wake up early early EARLY tomorrow to finish it. I swear.
1.15 am. I should be sleeping. Cries. ):
Sigh. Exams are next week and I freakin haven't studied at all. O: Don't feel guilty if you haven't started anyway :D cuz i haven't either. Lalalaaa .
Whatever. I talked curry into going for co this week (: I'm so weird right. I actually feel like going la. :D so no studying on saturday morning either . D:
Insane I watched the kindergarten video and I saw you. YAY :DDDDDD
Waiting for inspiration to strike. Wait, it's never gonna. O:
After sports day went home and sulked cuz my dad won't let me jusco alone . Lol.
Just kept trying to go with me. Wanted to tell him go away la.
Yay :D Threw a fit when mom came home from the hospital and went in my room to online. O.o
Anyways, I went crazy and I bought an iPod. hehehe. Even though yeah I know I always say ipods are no good la. Zzzz.
 It's in a lame colour :D
Sometimes I just really hate friendster. well yea cuz its like this big competition to see who gets more comments or friends or whatever. so most people just add anybody they view to get more friends and randomly comment people to get more comments in return. So yeah, its kinda stupid. read a post and was thinking, that's so true. why don't you go tell your friend that? she needs it so much. whatever, you don't know what i'm talking about anyway. Its sports day tomorrow :D I hate my stupid collar-ed shirt. ): Yeah, i lost my pj t. *cries* You SI banana, didn't go choir today . HMPH.
Oh yay. Today was a rockin day. Er . okayy. Not exactly. Whatev. :D I woke at 6.51 O: Hey, its an improvement right. 2 minutes (: Okay anyways, I don't exactly have anything to blog about. I'm bored and I don't wanna do my homework so yeah, here I am. Um. right. welll... We have a busybody math teacher :DD Yeah, she has to know where we live, where our brothers and sisters study, and all that. GAH ): HEHEHE. :D miss DIYANA saw me eating in class today O: she didn't say anything though. YAY for her (: I didn't even pass up her work ): Why am i going on about school huh. Anyways. I HATE SCALES!!!!!!!! F5. !!!!!
Okay. Forget about the last post which said I'm gonna wake up early today. I freaking woke at 6.53. Zzzzz. Big thanks to lime for smsing me. If not I would've continued sleeping :D I'm supposed to be at tuition now but yeah. I'm here. Cuz i have a stupid headache. ): Yay. Anyways, I bought a noob camera. :D  Yeah, thats it. F3 :D
Huh. I woke up 45 minutes late again today. How depressing. .____. I swear. I'm gonna wake up on time tomorrow O:
Anyways, do I always say anyways? Okay anyways, no chinese/math/geography lessons today (: *cheers*
Spent the time finishing my sejarah nota. :D YEA I FINISHED IT =)) Im so proud of myself. YAY ;D I felt so happy when i put the tick next to Sejarah Nota in my notebook. HAHAHAHA :DDDDD
ohnonono. English was mortifying. Not putting anything here D:
Ok whatever. Nothing else to blog about i think. Oh wait. I didn't get depressed today. (: HEHEHE.
Life sucks. Get over it.
Been feeling so depressed-ish today. Not exactly sure why so yeah, whatever huh.
Haven't done any homework O: but I don't feel guilty today. == I don't care.
So yeah, I don't have anything else to do so here I am, typing this lame post.
Anyways, my day started so bad. D: Totally forgot today's timetable. And BLAH BLAH BLAH. the list goes on and on.
Finished reading Drowned Ammet. .___. What a lame book.
Ok. whatever. Diana Wynne Jones. O:
I can't let go .
We got our new timetable today (: 5 new teachers, O:
Whee. Mr Tai is teaching us chinese D: We can bully him. Hehehe. F3
Went jusco just now. With Banana, Yi, Insane, Mareh, Aleh, Fung Ping (:
Watched the pink panther movie .___. LAme la.
Andand. I'm so proud of myself cuz I didn't buy anything in Watsons. :DDDD But I bought a cd and a book ): So much for saving money.
Agh. So damn tired now. My brain just isn't working properly so yeahh, that's all for now.
Lalala . I'm eating ice cream! O.O Lol :D
Am half-quitting maple. Maple is so darn boring. ): Seriously. There isn't much to do in maple ==
Aaand. Puan Florence called me yesterday ;D YAY. Actually I didn't go yay. I went OMG and just let it ring. *sings lalala*
Umm. YAY thing. I finished The Return! YAY!!
LOL :D It took me a day. Yay. YAYYYY.
omg lame. O:
Anyways, my ice cream keeps melting so yeah. That's all for now :D
Pictures later. Possibly (:
Can't give anymore O:
I hate chew lay kean. She sucks in a 100 different kinds of ways. O: Yes, she DOES.
Whatev, I'll get at least 95 marks for the march test then. That'll show your stupid face that I'm not that dumb at all. D:
Stupid childish teacher.
Oh well. YESYES today was our geography test in tuition :D I got 39/50 but surprisingly it wasn't that bad compared to the others. YAY! (:
Ponteng-ed sukan tara today O: Whatever lah, I already missed two latihans. Scared they ask me why didn't go . F7
LOL yeah I'm gonna go continue reading the return again. I'm gonna finish it tonight ;D
You look so stupid, it just makes me wanna puke. (:
YAY me :D
I finally changed my blogskin again (: after hating my old one for a long time.
Well okay. Miss LIME didn't go to school today. [F5!] Thought she was late or something. ==
-waits till 8.30- *WTH AH*
Texts lime. ;D Chou lime where you I set wrong alarm then woke up late LOL. then you come anot? not coming..
SI lime (:
So i sat alone until english when fokkie sat with me C:
Sometimes I hate choir so much I just wanna hit everyone ):
Yea I had nothing much to blog about for the past few days. It was a banana's birthday O:
Anyways, for you PSPA people. My mom's quitting PSPA. Yeah.
KAYS, whatever. ):
Looks like I'm not going for the conference this year. .____________.
I know this is totally random but I miss england so much ):
I miss the country. Its so beautiful lah wey. I'm gonna go again. I don't care.
I have no idea why I'm typing this anyway.
PICTURES LAH :D Long time no pics already ):
 That's a teacher O:  THIS BEAR IS SO CUTEEEE!!  Aleh so aleh (:  Poor curry ): AWW.  They were waiting for the water, yeah o.O  -Wey, shuang eh!!-  Damn, this guy was actually kinda cute.
LOST WORLD was fun fun FUN (:
The best was tube-ing on the waves. :D Yeah the tube overturned suddenly and our phones almost went into the water O: Thanks to Curry for holding them above the water ah. ;D
My phone was all wet then =) yea there was even water IN it. Had to open the cover for it to dry and my battery dropped right out into the water. D: *OMG* Thanks to Curry again for picking it up :D
Surprisingly, nothing happened to it and my phones still as good as new (:
LALALA for choir :DD We sang for the sultan again today. Whatever. .____.
BWAHAHA. Banana's party yesterday O: I was late cuz I was too lazy to get ready. HEHEHE. and messages were coming. MAYLYNN IS HERE BRENDA IS HERE LYCHEE IS HERE ...... and so on. F5
Lychee why were you there HUH. LOL :D Curry I know you're so F5-ing now.
Pics later :D yea i gotta go to school now ):
hello :D my name is faith. faith has a longer name but she won't put it here.
faith is fourteen, and music is her life. Her faves are the cello, piano, and violin and she wants to stay fourteen forever.
faith is an absolute fan of fred, who by the way is extremely hot if you didn't know.
but now you do, so good for you yeah.
faith currently studies in ave maria convent.
faith won't tell you her class so if you don't know, too bad for you.
faith loves her studies cuz studying is fun and so is homework. that's why she is gonna do homework this year. haha.
faith hates show-offs and fakers. she loves all her wonderful friends like banana, lime, fokkie, aleh, planta, leaf, emilia, insane, kiko, maylynn, carissa, lychee, yi, yeng, yao, hippo, bun, and all the rest of you :D
faith adores books especially twilight.
faith loves shopping alone (:
faith lives for school. O:
oh, and taylor swift is her idol (:
Btw, links work again! (:
I fell asleep studying. ): Totally messed up my schedule. This is so not good. Okay. I'll wake up early early EARLY tomorrow to finish it. I swear.
1.15 am. I should be sleeping. Cries. ):
Sigh. Exams are next week and I freakin haven't studied at all. O: Don't feel guilty if you haven't started anyway :D cuz i haven't either. Lalalaaa .
Whatever. I talked curry into going for co this week (: I'm so weird right. I actually feel like going la. :D so no studying on saturday morning either . D:
Insane I watched the kindergarten video and I saw you. YAY :DDDDDD
Waiting for inspiration to strike. Wait, it's never gonna. O:
After sports day went home and sulked cuz my dad won't let me jusco alone . Lol.
Just kept trying to go with me. Wanted to tell him go away la.
Yay :D Threw a fit when mom came home from the hospital and went in my room to online. O.o
Anyways, I went crazy and I bought an iPod. hehehe. Even though yeah I know I always say ipods are no good la. Zzzz.
 It's in a lame colour :D
Sometimes I just really hate friendster. well yea cuz its like this big competition to see who gets more comments or friends or whatever. so most people just add anybody they view to get more friends and randomly comment people to get more comments in return. So yeah, its kinda stupid. read a post and was thinking, that's so true. why don't you go tell your friend that? she needs it so much. whatever, you don't know what i'm talking about anyway. Its sports day tomorrow :D I hate my stupid collar-ed shirt. ): Yeah, i lost my pj t. *cries* You SI banana, didn't go choir today . HMPH.
Oh yay. Today was a rockin day. Er . okayy. Not exactly. Whatev. :D I woke at 6.51 O: Hey, its an improvement right. 2 minutes (: Okay anyways, I don't exactly have anything to blog about. I'm bored and I don't wanna do my homework so yeah, here I am. Um. right. welll... We have a busybody math teacher :DD Yeah, she has to know where we live, where our brothers and sisters study, and all that. GAH ): HEHEHE. :D miss DIYANA saw me eating in class today O: she didn't say anything though. YAY for her (: I didn't even pass up her work ): Why am i going on about school huh. Anyways. I HATE SCALES!!!!!!!! F5. !!!!!
Okay. Forget about the last post which said I'm gonna wake up early today. I freaking woke at 6.53. Zzzzz. Big thanks to lime for smsing me. If not I would've continued sleeping :D I'm supposed to be at tuition now but yeah. I'm here. Cuz i have a stupid headache. ): Yay. Anyways, I bought a noob camera. :D  Yeah, thats it. F3 :D
Huh. I woke up 45 minutes late again today. How depressing. .____. I swear. I'm gonna wake up on time tomorrow O:
Anyways, do I always say anyways? Okay anyways, no chinese/math/geography lessons today (: *cheers*
Spent the time finishing my sejarah nota. :D YEA I FINISHED IT =)) Im so proud of myself. YAY ;D I felt so happy when i put the tick next to Sejarah Nota in my notebook. HAHAHAHA :DDDDD
ohnonono. English was mortifying. Not putting anything here D:
Ok whatever. Nothing else to blog about i think. Oh wait. I didn't get depressed today. (: HEHEHE.
Life sucks. Get over it.
Been feeling so depressed-ish today. Not exactly sure why so yeah, whatever huh.
Haven't done any homework O: but I don't feel guilty today. == I don't care.
So yeah, I don't have anything else to do so here I am, typing this lame post.
Anyways, my day started so bad. D: Totally forgot today's timetable. And BLAH BLAH BLAH. the list goes on and on.
Finished reading Drowned Ammet. .___. What a lame book.
Ok. whatever. Diana Wynne Jones. O:
I can't let go .
We got our new timetable today (: 5 new teachers, O:
Whee. Mr Tai is teaching us chinese D: We can bully him. Hehehe. F3
Went jusco just now. With Banana, Yi, Insane, Mareh, Aleh, Fung Ping (:
Watched the pink panther movie .___. LAme la.
Andand. I'm so proud of myself cuz I didn't buy anything in Watsons. :DDDD But I bought a cd and a book ): So much for saving money.
Agh. So damn tired now. My brain just isn't working properly so yeahh, that's all for now.
Lalala . I'm eating ice cream! O.O Lol :D
Am half-quitting maple. Maple is so darn boring. ): Seriously. There isn't much to do in maple ==
Aaand. Puan Florence called me yesterday ;D YAY. Actually I didn't go yay. I went OMG and just let it ring. *sings lalala*
Umm. YAY thing. I finished The Return! YAY!!
LOL :D It took me a day. Yay. YAYYYY.
omg lame. O:
Anyways, my ice cream keeps melting so yeah. That's all for now :D
Pictures later. Possibly (:
Can't give anymore O:
I hate chew lay kean. She sucks in a 100 different kinds of ways. O: Yes, she DOES.
Whatev, I'll get at least 95 marks for the march test then. That'll show your stupid face that I'm not that dumb at all. D:
Stupid childish teacher.
Oh well. YESYES today was our geography test in tuition :D I got 39/50 but surprisingly it wasn't that bad compared to the others. YAY! (:
Ponteng-ed sukan tara today O: Whatever lah, I already missed two latihans. Scared they ask me why didn't go . F7
LOL yeah I'm gonna go continue reading the return again. I'm gonna finish it tonight ;D
You look so stupid, it just makes me wanna puke. (:
YAY me :D
I finally changed my blogskin again (: after hating my old one for a long time.
Well okay. Miss LIME didn't go to school today. [F5!] Thought she was late or something. ==
-waits till 8.30- *WTH AH*
Texts lime. ;D Chou lime where you I set wrong alarm then woke up late LOL. then you come anot? not coming..
SI lime (:
So i sat alone until english when fokkie sat with me C:
Sometimes I hate choir so much I just wanna hit everyone ):
Yea I had nothing much to blog about for the past few days. It was a banana's birthday O:
Anyways, for you PSPA people. My mom's quitting PSPA. Yeah.
KAYS, whatever. ):
Looks like I'm not going for the conference this year. .____________.
I know this is totally random but I miss england so much ):
I miss the country. Its so beautiful lah wey. I'm gonna go again. I don't care.
I have no idea why I'm typing this anyway.
PICTURES LAH :D Long time no pics already ):
 That's a teacher O:  THIS BEAR IS SO CUTEEEE!!  Aleh so aleh (:  Poor curry ): AWW.  They were waiting for the water, yeah o.O  -Wey, shuang eh!!-  Damn, this guy was actually kinda cute.
LOST WORLD was fun fun FUN (:
The best was tube-ing on the waves. :D Yeah the tube overturned suddenly and our phones almost went into the water O: Thanks to Curry for holding them above the water ah. ;D
My phone was all wet then =) yea there was even water IN it. Had to open the cover for it to dry and my battery dropped right out into the water. D: *OMG* Thanks to Curry again for picking it up :D
Surprisingly, nothing happened to it and my phones still as good as new (:
LALALA for choir :DD We sang for the sultan again today. Whatever. .____.
BWAHAHA. Banana's party yesterday O: I was late cuz I was too lazy to get ready. HEHEHE. and messages were coming. MAYLYNN IS HERE BRENDA IS HERE LYCHEE IS HERE ...... and so on. F5
Lychee why were you there HUH. LOL :D Curry I know you're so F5-ing now.
Pics later :D yea i gotta go to school now ):