Hello, my name is faith. I'm your normal kind of weird fourteen year old girl. :D I love books, computers and music. I hate spiders, insects, things that slime/crawl and scary films.
Remember to leave something in my tagboard below to let me know you dropped by!
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WELL. There are guests in my house now =) At least I think they're still here.
They had wine before dinner while I was online. Lame lah. And wine during dinner.
I took a pic of the soup ;D
Then the main course =] I already told Yi about it. Okay, there was.. sausages, lamb, cabbages, carrots, tomatoes, beans and this weird thing.
I found out it was potatoes with cheese on top =)
Cheese makes me sick XO
Hmm. They talked in German sometimes so I kept smsing cuz the only thing I understood was..
I love cheese. from brother patrick. ==
Lets see. Well. Somebody asked judith what they eat in Germany with rice. And my bro joked, "Tomato sauce." Then "HUH!! WHAT?! REALLY?" and even I looked up from my sms-ing to omg. :D
Brother Matthew found a rhinoceros beetle :O My house has soo many beetles now. Maybe they're there to punish me when I'm naughty :D
 This is a bad quality photo of the beetle :D It was HUGE. huge to me lah.
Lols. "An apple. Not any other fruit, an apple." They were talking about the forbidden fruit. Haha. My brother said it could be a durian :D YAY. And Judith said if it was a durian Adam wouldn't eat it. ZZ. then they said it could be a pear. ==
LOLS. Maybe some of you guys have heard this story :D I happened to be recording the conversation so here's what Brother Patrick said.
When Adam took a mouthful of the whatever fruit it is, God called his name and he choked on it.
Apparently that's why guys have an adam's apple. or. whatever. == lame.
My brother was asked, If you went to Heaven, how would you recognize adam and eve? and my bro was like, err somebody told me they didn't have belly buttons. Brother Vincent said, Exactly. but apparently that wasn't the right answer .__.
Okays, here. After God created Adam and Eve, he put them side by side and said, I'm gonna name these two fellas. Ok, fine. *pokes* YOU are Adam, and *pokes* YOU are Eve.
and that's how we got belly buttons. HAHA. That was so lame.
OK. I shall stop my lame blogging today cuz Yi said its super long. ==
hello :D my name is faith. faith has a longer name but she won't put it here.
faith is fourteen, and music is her life. Her faves are the cello, piano, and violin and she wants to stay fourteen forever.
faith is an absolute fan of fred, who by the way is extremely hot if you didn't know.
but now you do, so good for you yeah.
faith currently studies in ave maria convent.
faith won't tell you her class so if you don't know, too bad for you.
faith loves her studies cuz studying is fun and so is homework. that's why she is gonna do homework this year. haha.
faith hates show-offs and fakers. she loves all her wonderful friends like banana, lime, fokkie, aleh, planta, leaf, emilia, insane, kiko, maylynn, carissa, lychee, yi, yeng, yao, hippo, bun, and all the rest of you :D
faith adores books especially twilight.
faith loves shopping alone (:
faith lives for school. O:
oh, and taylor swift is her idol (:
Btw, links work again! (:
WELL. There are guests in my house now =) At least I think they're still here.
They had wine before dinner while I was online. Lame lah. And wine during dinner.
I took a pic of the soup ;D
Then the main course =] I already told Yi about it. Okay, there was.. sausages, lamb, cabbages, carrots, tomatoes, beans and this weird thing.
I found out it was potatoes with cheese on top =)
Cheese makes me sick XO
Hmm. They talked in German sometimes so I kept smsing cuz the only thing I understood was..
I love cheese. from brother patrick. ==
Lets see. Well. Somebody asked judith what they eat in Germany with rice. And my bro joked, "Tomato sauce." Then "HUH!! WHAT?! REALLY?" and even I looked up from my sms-ing to omg. :D
Brother Matthew found a rhinoceros beetle :O My house has soo many beetles now. Maybe they're there to punish me when I'm naughty :D
 This is a bad quality photo of the beetle :D It was HUGE. huge to me lah.
Lols. "An apple. Not any other fruit, an apple." They were talking about the forbidden fruit. Haha. My brother said it could be a durian :D YAY. And Judith said if it was a durian Adam wouldn't eat it. ZZ. then they said it could be a pear. ==
LOLS. Maybe some of you guys have heard this story :D I happened to be recording the conversation so here's what Brother Patrick said.
When Adam took a mouthful of the whatever fruit it is, God called his name and he choked on it.
Apparently that's why guys have an adam's apple. or. whatever. == lame.
My brother was asked, If you went to Heaven, how would you recognize adam and eve? and my bro was like, err somebody told me they didn't have belly buttons. Brother Vincent said, Exactly. but apparently that wasn't the right answer .__.
Okays, here. After God created Adam and Eve, he put them side by side and said, I'm gonna name these two fellas. Ok, fine. *pokes* YOU are Adam, and *pokes* YOU are Eve.
and that's how we got belly buttons. HAHA. That was so lame.
OK. I shall stop my lame blogging today cuz Yi said its super long. ==